
De Vaquieras is an independent publisher located in the south of England.

In an age when poets write unmetered verse without an inkling of fourth-hand Elizabethan sonority, and look to their self-perceived triumphs of parenting for inspiration, de Vaquieras tries to imbue the old ways with a revolutionary edge.


Electronic copies are available in .pdf format. They are priced at whatever the buyer chooses; since the cost of reproduction is zero, pay whatever you think the content is worth.

Paper copies are supplied bound in a unique cover with a note from the artist— they therefore might differ significantly from the photograph. All paper copies are supplied with a link to download the electronic version. Postage is uncharged.

Stephen Pringle Complexations .pdf
Stephen Pringle Complexations pb




Submissions of poetry are invited. Particular attention will be paid to

Please email submissions in whichever format is convenient to devaquieras@gmail.com.



Please send all questions, requests for review copies and other enquiries to devaquieras@gmail.com.